Monday 15 August 2011

Round 2: Rapid Fat Loss Week 2

After the first cycle and the initial drop in weight I was raring to go with the second cycle, unfortunately your body will do everything it can to stop you from losing too much fat, especially in a short amount of time!
When I started again last week I thought I would be losing weight at the same rate as before but I’ve found out that I have no room for error and if I stray from my eating habits I’m punished for it!

My calories over the past week have been a little higher than normal; I’m probably hitting around 1500 a day. That’s still pretty low but if you compare that to the 800 calories a day on my last cycle I’m definitely seeing the difference.
For one I’m sleeping a lot better this time round, this could be because I’m consuming more calories or the fact that I’m taking a protein drink that is designed to be more effective at bed time and promote sleep.
This time round I’m also training at high intensity lifting heavy weights, it’s nice to get back in the gym but there have been some downsides. My appetite has increased a great deal and I always find myself grabbing a spoon and heading for the peanut butter to curb my cravings!

Also the DOMS (Delayed On-Set Muscle Soreness) has been crazy this week! This is my own fault as I’ve gone from no training to going all out lifting weights as if I’ve never stopped! The bicep pain is the worst by far, with back soreness coming in at a close 2nd! (Damn you wide-grip pull-ups). It’s been difficult walking around trying to stay chipper when it feels like you’ve been beaten all over!

Regards to food and drink I did go out for a friend’s birthday on the weekend which probably threw my calories way off but what could I do? I’m trying to do this while maintaining a social life, I knew from the start this wouldn’t be easy!

While I’m on the subject of drink I was asked during the week what I drink in general as I’ve never mentioned it before. Normally I drink water as often as I can; at a guess I’d say I consume around 6 litres a day (including the water I drink during training). I also drink a fair amount of diet Pepsi, I don’t know why but when I’m on low calories’ drinking this stuff keeps me sane. 

If I go out drinking I try to only drink spirits with diet coke but as the night goes on I often stray to other things depending on the company I’m with and end up knocking back a Jägerbomb or two!

So the scales tell me I’m still 12st 8 which is acceptable if you take into account the increase in calories and the odd drink!

The upcoming week should be challenging as tomorrow I’ll be 27 and already my week has filled up with events which always end up involving alcohol! I will remain focused and keep my food intake strict but I can’t promise the same with the drink, I am human after all!

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