Monday 1 August 2011


I'll start by apologising upfront as this post may go a little off topic!

If you've been a regular follower of these posts you will know that I've made some inspiring changes over the duration of a month dropping over a stone in weight (mostly fat)! You may or may not believe my results and in hindsight I should have taken pictures but at the time I didn't think I'd still be writing due to lack of followers but with over 100 hits a day I have been proved wrong! 

So for the support I've had so far, Thank You!

Friday was the end of my 4 week cycle so I decided to indulge over the weekend and drink and eat whatever I wanted! Now normally the choices I make regarding nutrition is pretty easy for me as my cupboards, fridges and freezers are never full with junk food etc so eating healthy is my only option! 
My Friday afternoon started off with beer and Jägerbomb's, this pattern continued throughout the night and I can barely remember getting home, so if you're reading this! 

Thank you Beer fairies!

I woke up Saturday feeling like I just got aboard the pain train; I was suffering to say the least!

It was my choice to drink so I took it on the chin and showered ready for a boy's weekend in the fabulous English Rivera we all know as Torquay! 
Again we drank like champions all night and embraced everything life threw at us! 

On the way home we decided to stop in Weston-super-Mare as the sun was shining and we had some time to kill! While we were there I was chatting to a friend Alex who's also a trainer, we were talking about our clients and how we do our best to influence them! People pay between £25- £40 for an hour session with us and in that hour they are with us we make them hate us! If you want results, then you have to work for it! I think that relates to everything in life!

As soon as they leave the gym we can only hope that they are dedicated and make healthy choices throughout the week until the next time they see us! You see it all the time, people giving it their all in the gym then go home eat crap then wonder why they aren't getting stronger or looking better in the mirror!
As part of the service we provide we often design diet/meal plans for people which takes up a lot time as we have to consider everything, budget, what foods they like/don't like, if they have food allergies, the list goes on!

So after a lengthy conversation we concluded that people in general do not like making choices, big or small! How many times in your life up to now have you had to make a choice, regardless what it is you always seem to ask someone else "what would you do?"

The same could be said about food choices, I know it's not exactly the same as a life changing choice but bear with me! when we go shopping we are making choices all the time and I'd love to fill the basket with full fat coke, ice cream etc but I choose not to because I know it will hinder my results! I'll admit some of us have stronger will power than others and for me personally I find it easy as I've been making the same choices for a long time!

This is where I make my point..................

People in general would rather be led than make their own choices regarding nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle! 

Hence why people join slimming clubs! It's easier to go there once a week and buy everything on their shopping lists than making the right choices yourself!
Don't get me wrong this might not always be the case, sometimes people see or hear about a diet and think "if they can do it, so can I"

So do you have the will power to make the right choices regarding nutrition?

If you're unsure I'm happy to help, just send me an email and I'll do what I can do get you on track!

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