Tuesday 18 October 2011

Who you calling fat?

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but I have been rather busy over the past few weeks. Honestly I sat down on a number of occasions ready to knock something up but first I needed to figure out what my next mission would be. After my bout of intermittent fasting I needed to do something which wouldn’t involve too much planning as I can’t commit to eating at certain times every day.

When I did the IF diet I didn’t really restrict my carbohydrate intake, which was nice but I found out I’m very carb sensitive and would bloat and hold water when I consumed them, also I’ve found that I don’t ever crave carbs anymore and when I do have them I feel very lethargic.

A few months ago I watched a documentary called “Fat Head” it’s basically a follow up to “Super Size Me” but actually informative. In a nutshell it’s about a person who lives on fast food for a month and loses weight, roughly 12 pounds. I pulled this from the film website as it describes it better than I can;

“Have you seen the news stories about the obesity epidemic? Did you see Super Size Me? Then guess what? … You’ve been fed a load of bologna.

Comedian (and former health writer) Tom Naughton replies to the blame-McDonald’s crowd by losing weight on a fat-laden fast-food diet while demonstrating that nearly everything we’ve been told about obesity and healthy eating is wrong. Along with some delicious parody of Super Size Me, Naughton serves up plenty of no-bologna facts that will stun most viewers, such as: The obesity “epidemic” has been wildly exaggerated by the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). People the government classifies as “overweight” have longer lifespans than people classified as “normal weight.” Having low cholesterol is unhealthy. Lowfat diets can lead to depression and type II diabetes. Saturated fat doesn’t cause heart disease — but sugars, starches and processed vegetable oils do”

So I recently watched it again and thought this could be an interesting diet, everything you’ve been told about saturated fats has been lies. Now I have no issue with fat in my diet but I’ve never gone out of my way to consume more than I have to. Regarding carbohydrates I hope by now you know I’m not a fan and will avoid them like the plague, the documentary explains what happens when we consume carbs and how and why carbohydrates get converted to fat. I’m not going into great detail about the film as I urge you to watch it yourself, trust me when I say it will completely change your view on fats and why you should include them in your diet. For me personally now when I look around a supermarket I see it like this.................

Now for the rules of the diet:

Calories must not exceed 2000 a day and carbohydrates must be limited to 100g, it’s as easy as that!

Obviously sugar is off the menu but by now you should know better. I did plan on posting this yesterday but it actually worked out better as I can post my nutritional information so you get a better idea of how much I’m consuming.

As you can see my fat and protein intake pretty much take priority and the carbohydrates are trace calories, which come from protein shakes with full fat milk.

I’m looking forward to this diet, for the simple reason I get to wake up and have a cooked breakfast and not feel guilty and to be fair in the past when I’ve had a hearty fatty breakfast it keeps you full for longer and you hardly ever feel hungry. I checked my weight yesterday and I'm 12st 11, I'm only going to weigh myself once a week and someday this week I'll try and record my body fat percentage and post it on this page.

I think I’ll leave it there for this week but I must mention my one rule for this diet:

If it bleeds you can eat it!

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