Wednesday 26 October 2011

Who you calling fat? Week 2

Well it's been an interesting and more importantly an enjoyable week. First let me start by saying that I didn't weigh myself Monday morning, instead I'm going to do a final weigh in at the end.
It's an odd feeling waking up knowing that you can have fatty foods for breakfast and not feel guilty. On a few occasions this week I've thought "this is so wrong" but I continued to fry my bacon and eggs in butter.

In regards to food this week it's been mainly bacon, eggs and pork sausage for breakfast and twice during the week I had the same in the evening, I did however find myself getting a cooked chicken mid week and totally destroyed it, pretty good value too considering it had 34g of fat and 166g of protein.

I’ve noticed that I've become stronger this week, not He-man strong but enough to notice. After doing some research (watching fat head again) it turns out that saturated fat helps produce more testosterone, so that could be the reason for my strength gains. My workouts still consist of hitting one muscle a day and I try to hit the muscle from every angle possible. Due to the drop in carbohydrates I can’t train to the intensity that I am used to, so instead I’m concentrating on lifting heavy to maintain muscle mass. It must be working well for me as I was asked if I was taking any steroids, so after I finished my 6th set of seated shoulder presses with 35kg dumbbells a side and after dropping the weights after 12 reps (good reps might I add) I say:

                                            “What makes you think that?”

My friend then says, “Well how are you so strong?” now some people might get offended by a question like that but not me, in my eyes that’s a massive compliment. I’ll be honest in my younger days I did experiment but I was foolish and I can assure you I’m never going down that road again!

So my response to my friends question; (you might want to get a pen and paper so you can write this down!)

“The mind will always fail before the body does.”

People will approach the weight thinking “there is no way I’m going to lift this”. To get past this mental hurdle you have to forget about what you think you can lift and just lift, you will be surprised what you can do when you’re mentally savvy. Pick a number in your head and lift, and if you don’t reach that number do it next time.

In terms of physical appearance I'm feeling slightly leaner and my stomach as become to some extent flatter. This could be water retention due to the drop in carbohydrates, but we will see in the oncoming weeks.

I must say that not once this week have I felt hungry, and that's having breakfast at 6:30 and not having anything else till around 1pm. You really do stay full and satisfied pretty much all day. I’m still taking my protein shakes after workouts and sometimes in the evening, but this time with full fat milk and they taste so good.

I almost forgot to mention that on the weekend my sister came home for a few days with her boyfriend so we did spend some time eating at restaurants I did eat somewhat healthy meals but I wasn’t going to be totally anal and ask how many carbs were in the meals. Life is about enjoying yourself, not putting red tape on everything!

That’s all for this week, but I’ll leave you with my daily nutrient details.

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